iPosture and Children – Its Causes, its Effects, and what Parents can do about it
Tami Bulmash, an Alexander Technique teacher, researcher, and parent of two young children in Tampa, Florida, talks with Robert Rickover about the postural damage caused by of over-use, and mindless use, of smartphones and other devices by children. She also provides some specific practical suggestions for parents to help their children avoid that damage. Tami’s website: BodyAndPosture.com Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: AlexanderTechniqueNebraska.com More information about the Alexander Technique: AlexanderTechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
Applying Alexander Technique Principles in an Early Childhood Education Setting
Esther Miltiadous, an Alexander Technique teacher in North London, England, talks with Robert Rickover about her work, and that of other Alexander Teachers, at the Educare Small School in Kingston. Esther’s website: alextechwithesther.co.uk Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: AlexanderTechnique.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexanderTechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
The Usefulness of Teaching Alexander Technique Principles to Young Children
Esther Miltiadous, an Alexander Technique teacher in North London, England, talks with Robert Rickover about ways in which young children can benefit from being exposed to the principles of the Alexander Technique. Esther’s website: alextechwithesther.co.uk Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: AlexanderTechnique.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexanderTechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
Advice for Parents who are Concerned about the Posture and Coordination of their Young Children
Esther Miltiadous, an Alexander Technique teacher in North London, England, talks with Robert Rickover about ways in which parents can provide access to Alexander Technique principles for their children at school and at home. Esther’s website: alextechwithesther.co.uk Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: AlexanderTechnique.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexanderTechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
The Harmful Effects of Backward Sloping Chairs in School Classrooms
Richard Brennan, an Alexander Technique teacher in Galway, Ireland, and a driving force behind the School Chair’s Campaign in Europe, talks with Robert Rickover about the reasons commonly-used backward sloping chairs are so harmufl to school children and what concerned parents can do about this problem. Richard’s website: Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: alexander.ie Robert’s website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
The Discoveries of F. Matthias Alexander and Childhood Development – Part 1
Theodore Dimon, an Alexander Technique teacher, and founder and director of the Dimon Institute in New York City, talks with Robert Rickover about ways in which using the principles developed by Alexander can provide a more effective approach to early childhood education. Dimon Institute’s website: DimonInstitute.org Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: AlexanderTechniqueNebraska.com/ More information about the Alexander Technique: AlexanderTechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
The Discoveries of F. Matthias Alexander and Childhood Development – Part 2
Theodore Dimon, an Alexander Technique teacher, and founder and director of the Dimon Institute in New York City, talks with Robert Rickover about the importance of Alexander’s concept of physicalphysical unity and how it can provide a more effective approach to learning. Dimon Institute’s website: DimonInstitute.org Robert teaches in Omaha Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: AlexanderTechniqueNebraska.com More information about the Alexander Technique: AlexanderTechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
How the Alexander Technique can help with pregnancy and childbirth
Eileen Troberman, an Alexander Technique teacher in San Diego, California, is interviewed by Sunny Gaul, host of Preggie Pals, about the usefulness of the Technique for expecting mothers. Eileen’s website: alexandertechniquesandiego.com Preggie Pals’ website: PreggiePals.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
How the Alexander Technique can help with prengancy and childbirth
Cecile Raynor, an Alexander Technique teacher in Boston, Massachusetts, talks with Robert Rickover about the ways in which the Technique can help you go through pregnancy and childbirth with greater ease and comfort. Cecile’s website: alexandertec.com Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
The Alexander Technique for Babies and their Parents
Jennifer Kellow, an Alexander Technique Teacher and Registered Nurse in Jersey City and New York City is interviewed by Robert Rickover about her work with babies and their parents. Jennifer’s website: alexanderbabies.com Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Candada. Robert’s website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com For more information about the Alexander Technique, visit alexandertechnique.com
How the Alexander Technique can help Premature and Brain-Injured Babies
Jennifer Kellow, an Alexander Technique Teacher and Registered Nurse in Jersey City and New York City is interviewed by Robert Rickover about her work with premature and brain-injured babies. Jennifer’s website: alexanderbabies.com Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Candada Robert’s website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com For more information about the Alexander Technique, visit alexandertechnique.com
The Alexander Technique and Parenting
Amy Ward Brimmer, an Alexander Technique teacher in Yardley, Pennsylvania, talks with Robert Rickoverabout the usefulness of the Alexander Technique for parents. Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Robert’s website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com For more information about the Alexander Technique, visit alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
How the Alexander Technique can help with Parenting
Cecile Raynor, an Alexander Technique teacher in Boston, Massachusetts, talks with Robert Rickover about the ways in which the Technique can help you be a less-stressed, and better, parent. Cecile’s website: alexandertec.com Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
A Teenager describes the Alexander Technique
Virginia Osterman, a student of Alexander Technique teacher Sandra Bain Cushman, gives a 40 second descrilption of the Technique – part of her high school independent study project on the Alexander Technique. Sandra Cushman is an Alexander Technique teacher in Seattle, Washington and Charlottesville, Virginia. Sandra’s website: sandrabaincushman.com For more information about the Alexander Technique, visit alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
An Occupational Therapist and Alexander Technique teacher offers suggestions for parents concerned about their children’s posture
Loren Shlaes, an Alexander Technique teacher and Occupational Therapist in New York City talks with Robert Rickover about ways that parents can help their children develop good posture. Loren’s website: pediatricot.blogspot.com Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Candada. Robert’s website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com Alexander Technique information: alexandertechnique.com
How the Alexander Technique can help Children
Gal Ben-or, an Alexander Technique teacher in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, talks with Robert Rickover about the usefulness of the Technique for children. Gal’s website: galbenorat.blogspot.com Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Robert’s website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com Alexander Technique information: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
How the Alexander Technique can help special needs Children
Gal Ben-or, an Alexander Technique teacher in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, talks about the usefulness of the Technique for special needs children. Gal’s website: galbenorat.blogspot.com Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Candada. Robert’s website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com Alexander Technique information: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
How the Alexander Technique can help Children with Developmental Issues
Mike Cross, an Alexander Technique teacher in Aylesbury, England talks with Robert Rickover about using the Alexander Technique to help children, particularly children with developmental issues. Mike’s website: the-middle-way.org Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Robert’s website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com For more information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
How the Alexander Technique can help improve your child’s posture
Richard Brennan, an Alexander Technique teacher in Galway, Ireland talks about ways in which the Alexander Technique can help imporve childrens’ posture. Richard’s website: alexander.ie Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com. More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com. You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
How the Alexander Technique can help with Childbirth and Parenting
Mastaneh Nazarian, an Alexander Technique teacher in Melbourne, Australia talks with Robert Rickover about the role the Alexander Technique in helping with childbirth and parenting. Mastaneh’s website: rediscoverease.com Robert’s website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
The Alexander Technique and “In Tune Parenting”
Mastaneh Nazarian, an Alexander Technique teacher in Melbourne, Australia talks with Robert Rickover about five principles of “In-Tune Parenting” she developed and uses, based on the principles of the Alexander Technique. Mastaneh’s website: rediscoverease.com Robert’s website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support
Developmental Issues and the ability of Children to Learn how to Write
Loren Shlaes, an Alexander Technique teacher and Occupational Therapist in New York City talks about developmental issues that affect the ability of children to learn to write. Loren’s website: pediatricot.blogspot.com Robert’s website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com For more information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support