Constructive Rest is a powerful self-help process, inspired by the Alexander Technique, but useful for anyone who wants to release harmful tension. You can find more information about Constructive Rest here.

How Alexander Technique Constructive Rest can help you release harmful tension
Alice Riccardi, a yoga instructor and Alexander Technique teacher in Portland, Maine, talks with Robert Rickover about the benefits of regular constructive rest. Alice’s website: Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

The usefulness of Alexander Technique Constructive Rest as a self-help tool
Imogen Ragone, an Alexander Technique teacher in Wilmington, Deleware, talks with Robert Rickover about the constructive rest process and it’s usefulness for anyone who wants to release harmful tension and function more effectively. Imogen’s website: Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

How you can use and benefit from Constructive Rest
Ruth Rootberg, an Alexander Technique teacher in Amherst, Massachusetts, talks with Robert Rickover about the constructive rest process and how you can use it as a framework for exploring Alexander Technique directions. Ruth’s website: Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

The Power of Alexander Technique Constructive Rest
Amy Ward Brimmer, an Alexander Technique teacher in Philadelphia and Newtown, Pennsylvania, talks with Robert Rickover about the power of constructive rest for releasing harmful tensions. Amy’s website: Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

A Useful Constructive Rest Ad-On to help Coordinate your Legs
Alexander Technique Constructive Rest is a useful process that anybody can use, as it requires no special training or skill. Robert Rickover and Imogen Ragone discuss a simple ad-on that can help you improve the coordination between your legs. Imogen teaches in Wilmington, Delaware. Imogen’s website: Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska. Website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Alexander Technique Constructive Rest Talk-Through
Carolyn Nicholls, an Alexander Technique teacher in Brighton, England recorded this to accompany Chapter 1 of the Second Edition of her book Body, Breath and Being. Carolyn’s website: Carolyn’s book can be ordered at More information about the Alexander Technique: You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at

Alexander Technique Constructive Rest Guided Talk-Through
Ariel Carson, an Alexander Technique teacher in New York City, provides a guided talk-through which you can use as you lie down in Constructive Rest. Ariel’s website: More information about the Alexander Technique: You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at

Guided Constructive Rest with Imogen Ragone – 1
This talk was given live during a session at the second annual ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in October 2021, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Imogen is an Alexander Technique teacher in WIlmington, Delaware. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Imogen’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

This talk was given live during a session at the third annual ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in October 2022, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Imogen is an Alexander Technique teacher in Wilmington, DE. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Imogen’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Guided Constructive Rest with Anne Johnson – 1
This talk was given live during a session at the second annual ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in October 2021, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Anne is an Alexander Technique teacher in Philadelphia. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Anne’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Guided Constructive Rest with Anne Johnson – 2
This talk was given live during a session at the third annual ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in October 2022, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Anne is an Alexander Technique teacher in Mt Airy, Philadelphia, PA. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Anne’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Guided Constructive Rest with Jano Cohen
This talk was given live during a session at the second annual ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in October 2021, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Jano is an Alexander Technique teacher in Wynnewood, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Jano’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

This talk was given live during a session at the ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in October 2020, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Meade is an Alexander Technique teacher in Lawrenceville and Princeton, NJ. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Meade’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Guided Constructive Rest with Meade Andrews – 2
This talk was given live during a session at the third annual ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in October 2022, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Meade is an Alexander Technique teacher in Lawrenceville and Princeton, NJ. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Meade’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Constructive Rest with Ariel Weiss
This talk was given live during a session at the third annual ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in October 2022, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Ariel is an Alexander Technique teacher in Philadelphia and Wallingford, PA. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Ariel’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

This talk was given live during a session at the ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in October 2020, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Andrea is an Alexander Technique teacher in Swarthmore, PA. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Andrea’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

This talk was given live during a session at the ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in October 2020, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Mary is an Alexander Technique teacher in Philadelphia and Montgomery County, PA. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Mary’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Note: This audio is intended for informational purposes only. Not for commercial use. This audio cannot be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the express permission of Mary McCann. © 2020 Mary McCann

Guided Constructive Rest with Mary McCaan – 2
This talk was given live during a session at the second annual ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in 2024, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Mary is an Alexander Technique teacher in Philadelphia and Montgomery County, PA. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Mary’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Note: This audio is intended for informational purposes only. Not for commercial use. This audio cannot be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the express permission of Mary McCann. Please do not listen while driving. © 2021 Mary McCann

Guided Constructive Rest with Mary McCann – 3
This talk was given live during a session at the third annual ATTGP online Alexander Technique Summit in October 2022, and is designed to be listened to while lying down in Constructive Rest. Mary is an Alexander Technique teacher in Philadelphia and Montgomery County, PA. ATTGP (Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia) website: Mary’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Note: This audio is intended for informational purposes only. Not for commercial use. This audio cannot be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the express permission of Mary McCann. Please do not listen while driving. © 2022 Mary McCann

Constructive Rest Guided Talk-Through
Jane Clappison, an Alexander Technique teacher in East Yorkshire, England provides a talk-through for this useful Alexander Technique process. Jane’s website: More information about the Alexander Technique: You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at

Finding the Floor – a Constructive Rest Talk-Through
Mastaneh Nazarian, an Alexander Technique teacher in Melbourne, Australia provides a guided talk-through of this useful process. Mastaneh’s website: More information about the Alexander Technique: You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at

What is Alexander Technique Constructive Rest and how can it be used to enhance your well-being?
David Nesmith, an Alexander Technique teacher in Columbus, Ohio, talks with Robert Rickover about constructive rest and how it can help you return to a state of greater freedom and ease. David’s website: David has an audio guide series devoted to Constructive Rest at website devoted to the process: Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Alexander Technique Constructive Rest Lesson
Nancy Romita, an Alexander Technique teacher in Baltimore, Maryland, provides a guided Constructive Rest lesson that will allow you to make the most use of the process. Nancy’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

The Usefulness of Alexander Technique Constructive Rest
Diana Rumrill, an Alexander Technique teacher and physical therapist in Washington, DC, talks about this process, and it’s usefuness. Diana’s website: Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

The benefits of Alexander Technique constructive rest
Cecile Raynor, an Alexander Technique teacher in Boston, Massachusetts, talks about the ways constructive rest can help you release harmful tension. Cecile’s website: Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Alexander Technique Constructive Rest Guided Talk-Through
Constance Clare-Newman, an Alexander Technique teacher in Oakland, CA and Provincetown, MA, provides a guided talk-through which you can listen to as you lie down in Constructive Rest. Constance’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

Alexander Technique Constructive Rest Guided Talk-Through
Imogen Ragone, an Alexander Technique teacher in Wilmington, Delaware, provides a guided talk-through which you can listen to as you lie down in Constructive Rest. In 2016 Imogen released a new, updated and extended audio guide. Imogen’s website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about the Alexander Technique:

How to use the Alexander Technique Constructive Rest position as a laboratory for experimenting with ways to improve your functioning – Part 1
Imogen Ragone, an Alexander Technique teacher in Wilmington, Delaware, talks with Robert Rickover about how the constructive rest position an be used as a platform for experimenting with Alexander Technique negative Alexander Technique directions Parts 2 and 3 will deal more explicitly with the Up With GravitySM process. Imogen’s website: Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: More information about Constructive Rest: More information about UpWithGravity can be found here: More information about the Alexander Technique:

How to use the Alexander Technique Constructive Rest position as a laboratory for experimenting with ways to improve your functioning – Part 2
Imogen Ragone, an Alexander Technique teacher in Wilmington, Delaware, talks with Robert Rickover about how the constructive rest position an be used as a platform for experimenting with the Up With GravitySM process. Imogen’s website: Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: More information about the Alexander Technique:

How to use the Alexander Technique Constructive Rest position as a laboratory for experimenting with ways to improve your functioning – Part 3
Imogen Ragone, an Alexander Technique teacher in Wilmington, Delaware, talks about how the constructive rest position an be used as a platform for experimenting with negative Alexnder Technique directions and Up With GravitySM while moving parts of your body. Imogen’s website: ImogenRagone.comRobert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: More information about the Alexander Technique: