A large collection of Alexander Technique self-study resources can be found at alexandertechnique.com/selfstudy

No Cost Alexander Technique Lessons Project
You now have an opportunity to experience a full course of actual Alexander Technique lessons in your home and on your own schedule at no cost to you. These lessons – 14 in all – took place during the late summer and early fall of 2024 with me, Robert Rickover, and my student, Celeste Ditter. Celeste is a middle school vocal and general music teacher. She is also  a musician, audio-book voice actor, vocal coach and (just for fun) party planner on the side! She, her husband Scott, and three kids reside in Columbus, Nebraska. You can learn all about this project and see the lessons at alexandertechnique.com/free

Robert Rickover and Eileen Troberman discuss the possibilities for Alexander Technique self-study
(This podcast is primarily for Alexander Technique teachers and students.) Robert and Eileen discuss the pros and cons of studying the Alexnder Technique with little or no in-person contact with a teacher. This conversation was originally recorded for alexandertalk.com Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com. Eileen teaches in San Diego, California. Website: alexandertechniquesandiego.com More information about Alexander Technqiue self study: alexandertechnique.com/onyourown.htm More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com.

Alexander Technique teaching and learning traps
(This podcast is primarily for Alexander Technique teachers and students.) Robert Rickover, an Alexander Technique teacher in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada talks with Mark Josefsberg about some common obstacles faced by students and teachers of the Technique. Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com. Mark teaches in New York City. Website: markjosefsberg.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com

Strategies for effective use of Alexander Technique directions
(This podcast is primarily for Alexander Technique teachers and students.) Robert Rickover, an Alexander Technique teacher in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada talks with Mark Josefsberg about the strategic use of Alexander Technique directions. Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com. Mark teaches in New York City. Website: markjosefsberg.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com

An Alexander Technique Lesson in Sitting Down and Standing Up
(This podcast is primarily for Alexander Technique teachers and students.) Robert Rickover talks with Imogen Ragone, an Alexander Technique teacher in Wilmington, Delaware, about an approach to Alexander Technique “Chair Work” that can be used for Online and In Person Teaching. Imogen’s website: ImogenRagone.com Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto Canada. Website: AlexanderTechniqueNebraska.com Both Imogen and Robert also teach online. More information about the Alexander Technique: AlexanderTechnique.com